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15 de Maio

12:00 - 13:00

13:00 - 14:00

14:00 - 15:00

15:00 - 16:00

16:00 - 17:00

Action, Courage and Compassion (ACC) – Live Coaching Demo

Orador: Gareth Couch 

CCE: CC: 0.75  /  RD: 0.25

Descrição da sessão: As an ACC ICF Coach, Gareth will make use of all ICF competencies and showcase how action, courage, and compassion can thrive even in a live coaching session in front of a large audience. Discover the power of embracing vulnerability and daring greatly and get inspired!

Working with Grief and Loss in Coaching

Orador: Julia Menaul e Maggie João

CCE: CC: 0.5  /  RD: 0.5

Descrição da sessão: 

This session starts by defining what is grief, its signs and symptoms. Then explains the different types of loss and what to do when it shows up in the coaching room and when the coach is triggered during the session. We will also talk about where the boundary with counselling lies. If times allows we will also discuss a case-study and have some time for Q&A. 

Torna-te quem tu és? Cultura inclusiva e a permissão para pensar, sentir e agir na Vontade da própria Potência

Orador: Daniela Medeiros

CCE: CC: 0.5  /  RD: 0.5

Descrição da sessão: Na família, na escola, com os amigos e também no trabalho, nos deparamos com normas, regras e enquadramentos apontando como devemos ser e estar no mundo.
Podemos desempenhar nosso EU de acordo com estas convenções uma vida inteira sem questioná-las, e isso talvez tenha acontecido com nossos pais e demais ancestrais. Porém hoje, os movimentos identitários furaram as bolhas dos padrões sociais, fazendo com que ouvíssemos que há outras formas de ser humano nesta época, para além dos modelos pouco inclusivos.
Torna-te quem tu és, nos provocou Nietzsche. Mas isso é possível? Quando, como e onde podemos viver nossa Vontade de Potência. Os espaços e as relações sociais estão preparados para acolherem e respeitarem pessoas reais?
E é neste sentido que a cultura inclusiva desponta como uma importante via para que possamos nos apossar e orgulhar dos nossos desejos, e criarmos condições para nos tornarmos quem somos, enquanto vivemos o processo do nosso desejo, o DEVIR deleuziano.

AI's Role in the Future of Coaching: Navigating New Horizons 

Orador: ​Beggi Olafs 

CCE: CC: 0.5  /  RD: 0.5

Descrição da sessão: We embark on a journey into the potential of artificial intelligence in coaching across various well-being, performance, leadership, and personal development domains. How AI can revolutionize the way coaching is delivered, offering scalable, inexpensive, personalized solutions that bridge the gap in mental health and well-being services. Insights from coaching and positive psychology will show AI's capacity to augment both the client and coach experiences. Importantly, we'll review studies employing AI methodologies in coaching, showcasing empirical evidence of its benefits and challenges. This exploration will uncover the synergies between human expertise and artificial intelligence, highlighting practical applications, ethical considerations, and the future trajectory of AI in coaching. This session invites you to discover new possibilities for enhancing human potential in the digital age, balancing excitement with a grounded understanding of AI's capabilities and limitations. 

Shifting Mindsets: Harnessing the Power of Transformative Feedback 

Orador: ​Pete Berridge

Dá acesso a CCEs: CC: 0.5  /  RD: 0.5

Descrição da sessão: 

Today's workforce says, "Coach me, don't criticize me." This is an invitation to shift your mindset and introduce you to how positive psychology and building a system of support can change the feedback experience. 

Learn the language and approach for more effective and energizing developmental feedback. Feedback is essential when it comes to employee engagement. However, nearly 40% of feedback experiences result in poorer performance. This session will cover concepts including positive psychology, system support, strengths-based coaching, solution focused inquiry, and defining desired outcomes. Participants will leave with more energy and ideas for transforming feedback in their lives and organizations. 

• Understand how design flaws lead to ineffective feedback processes.  

• Learn how positive psychology principles can change feedback to be human, energizing, and effective.  

• Practice simple techniques for improving feedback in your personal and professional life. 

A ICF Portugal agradece aos Patrocinadores que apoiam o Chapter e eventos como a ICW com impacto positivo na comunidade de Coaches e nas Empresas.

Sabe mais sobre as possibilidades win-win! Para patrocinar a ICW2024, contacta

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