Kalpana Rao
Kalpana Rao is a longtime educator from the US – elementary school teacher and school principal. She has lived abroad for almost that last decade, working in either education non-profits supporting school leaders or an international school. In recent years, Kalpana has shifted her focus from leading to coaching leaders and finds it inspiring to help leaders achieve their goals with both support and accountability. She is energetic, positive, a lifelong learner and believes in making an impact on the world. She moved to Portugal in October, 2023 and is excited to be part of the ICF Portugal community, as a participant and volunteer.
"To do the useful thing, to say the courageous thing, to contemplate the beautiful thing: that is enough for one man's life." ~T.S. Eliot
Curiosa, inquieta e dinâmica, acredita, como bem canta José Mário Branco em “Inquietação”, que “Há sempre qualquer coisa que eu tenho que fazer/ Qualquer coisa que eu devia resolver/ Porquê, não sei/ Mas sei/ Que essa coisa é que é linda”.